Monday 2 November 2015

2. Self-driving cars, the Future.


I've read a few articles on self-driving cars, and most of them state that this technology would not be fully autonomous. But let's take a step back and imagine how much of an impact on everyday life this could entail if we perfected this technology and used it to our advantage. Here is a list of benefits to perfecting self-driving cars.

6 Reasons Why Self-Driving Cars are the Future

1. Car sharing

There would no longer be a reason to owning a personal vehicle. All vehicles would be standard and be owned by the government and/or another entity. A driver's license, car insurance, vehicle maintenance, parking tickets, and every other expense to owning a vehicle would be ruled as obsolete.

2. Improved high-density location space management

A driveway will no longer need to be created with every residence. Passengers could board within their garage or along the sidewalk. This would also mean more residences could be created within a given area.

Finding parking in high density areas will no longer be an issue. One could simply be dropped off at their desired location and have the vehicle park on the outskirts of the high density area.

3. Improved fuel economy and efficiency

It is said that everytime we brake our vehicle, it cost 3 cents of fuel. Whether or not the figure of 3 cents is correct, the underlying principle is true. Whenever we brake, we are transferring our kinetic energy to friction, which isn't useful to us when driving. A smart driving system would allow us to drive at higher speeds and brake when only necessary. Both of which saves us fuel.

Secondly, I know that many passengers do not carpool and drive large vehicles for extra safety and comfort. With self-driving cars, this would eliminate the use of SUV's and other high fuel consuming vehicles. The introduction of single passenger cars will also be of new. There is a large portion of mass in 4 seaters that is not needed for when there is only one passenger in the vehicle which consumes more energy.

Another idea that came into mind is integrating wireless charging into our vehicles. Similar to existing wireless chargers for smartphones, if this technology could charge electric self-driving cars, our cars can charge in parking lots overnight and during the day when the vehicle is not in use. Since battery technology is lagging fully electric vehicles, "charging zones" can be placed between cities of long distances. One would leave their depleted vehicle in a charging zone, and transfer to another vehicle that is already fully charged and continue their trip. No more gas is, no more pollution.

4. Increased Productivity

Let's say a one way commute to work is 15 minutes, and another 15 minutes for your trip home. In a 5 day work week, that would amount to 2 and a half hours of time committed to commuting alone. This could be used for other more productive work.

5. Industries that would be transformed

Transportation of Goods and Services - Truck drivers, taxi drivers, and any other driver would be off the road. These jobs would be eliminated, and the human resources could be moved elsewhere

Consumer Goods and Grocery - Imagine being able to order all your groceries online and have a worker pick and pack all your groceries for you. They would then load them into a specially designed cargo vehicle and it will drive right up to your doorstep where you only need to bring them inside your house. This will save every family 2-3 hours per week from a grocery trip.

People would be encouraged to start small business where the cost of transportation would be highly offsetted by this technology.

6. Total Safety

This goes without saying, but there will no longer be fatalities revolving vehicles.


The list is endless, I've only dented a few major points. But I believe the last point hits the home run. Any technology that reduces fatalities is a good technology. With all the money and time that could potentially be saved with self-driving cars, are you convinced that they are the future?

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